Choosing an Assisted Living Residence


Choosing an Assisted Living Residence takes time and effort. After all, you want to make sure the residence you choose is right for your family member.

The best way to begin the process is to figure out your budget. It’s important to remember that not all residences charge in the same manner – some are all inclusive, some use a base fee and then add-on depending on which services are needed. Be sure you have the full picture before you begin looking.

When you visit an assisted living residence, you’ll want to look for the following:


  • How friendly is the staff?
  • Do they treat the residents with dignity, respect, and warmth?
  • Does the staff seem rushed and stressed?


  • Do the residents appear happy?
  • Do they interact with one another?
  • Do they seem like people you’d enjoy getting to know?
  • How do residents contact staff in an emergency?
  • Are they clean, well-groomed, and dressed appropriately?


  • Do the different areas of the residence seem clean and fresh?
  • Is the residence safe and secure?
  • Are the bathrooms accessible and have grab bars in convenient locations?
  • How is the food?
  • What are the outdoor areas like?


  • What sort of accreditations does the residence have?
  • What is involved in obtaining that accreditation?
  • How do they maintain their accreditation standards?

It is also helpful to talk to residents and their families for their honest opinions about the community. Finally, trust your instincts – you’ll know when it’s the right fit.



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